Yesterday, I logged out after killing a couple enemies with Grant’s Saber and then running one last Fasnacht. Today, I started by killing four more creatures with the sword, so I could return to the manor and convert it into the Blade of Bastet.
I then returned to Watoga, where I had gotten to the last task of the Mayor for a Day mission as a baby player, before deciding I needed more seasoning. This time, I had a much easier time getting to the roof and the robots were not much of a challenge either.
However, I did have to contend with a Scorched Beast flying around the roof while I was battling robots. Fortunately, the robots kept it focused mostly on them and I just fast-traveled out of there after finishing the mission.
One of my teammates had started a daily ops quest, so I decided to join in before logging out for the day. I felt a bit like a chicken running around with its head cut off, but I think I contributed somewhat to the cause.
Tomorrow, I will take on the next side quest on my list.