Yesterday, I logged out after finding a locked supply room near a drunk robot. Today, I logged in near the top of the hour, so I started by running Fashnaut again.
After the event, I went looking for the password to the supply room and then returned to the underground brewery to use it. Once in the supply room, I discovered the secret ingredient in Nukashine is nuclear material.
Next, I had to gather some razorgrain and corn to brew a jug of Nukashine. Once I had all the ingredients, I returned to the brewery and brewed up a jug of Nukashine, using the experimental tech to ferment it faster.
Giving the Nukashine to the robot finished the quest and rewarded me with the ability to build a brewing station at my C.A.M.P.
Next, I headed to Morgantown airport to investigate the Responders’ base. I discovered that the Scorched had wiped out all the Responders and the only living person in the base was the brother of one of the dead Responders.
I also found another holotape from the Overseer, beseeching me to find a cure for the Scorched disease. Once I got out of the airport, I returned to my C.A.M.P. and logged out.
Tomorrow, I will continue the Fire Breathers’ quest.