Yesterday, I logged out after crafting the signal booster. Today, I’m on my way to the radio relay access point to install the signal repeater.
I reach the relay and install the repeater. I then have to divert power to the repeater.
To get to the terminal, I have to take down a Level 30 Super Mutant, a task made easier by the perks shared by my teammates. Diverting the power completes that quest and I get a radio message from Rose instructing me to return to the Top of the World.
At the Top of the World, I find a bunch of dead raiders, Madigan’s Corpse, and Rose, a robot who apparently used to be a person. Rose thinks she knows what Madigan was up to, but she won’t share the information unless I do some more quests for her.
The first thing she wants me to do is modify a syringer. There is a workbench at the Top of the World, but before I can get to it, I get swarmed by a pack of Scorched.
I take down the Scorched and then use the workbench and receive another task. This time, Rose wants me to use the modified syringer to shoot a Yao Guai.
However, it is time for me to leave, so I return to my C.A.M.P. and log out. After doing some reading and finding that casual teams are basically just teams that exist for the purpose of boosting XP and cap gains and sharing perks, I joined my first team.
The shared perks definitely came in handy, though I couldn’t reciprocate because my Charisma isn’t high enough. Tomorrow, I’ll go Yao Guai hunting.